White Long Sleeve Blouse Size Guide

How do you decide which size to order?

The easiest way is to measure a similar piece of clothing that you have at home and fits your child well. You can use the picture to see where to measure. Compare your measurements to those on the uniform size chart and then select the size that is the closest match.

It is easiest to measure clothing items using a soft, pliable measuring tape (ex. to measure around the chest or waist). However, you can also use a piece of string, marker, and straight ruler. Use the string to measure around your garment and mark the length on the string with the marker. Then, lay the string flat and and use the ruler to measure to your mark.

The numbers below each size are the actual garment measurements in inches.

GirlsSize 4Size 6Size 8Size 10Size 12Size 14Size 16Size 18
A. Shoulder1111 3/812 1/412 3/413 3/814 1/81516
B. Chest – Around30 3/431 1/23334 5/836 1/437 7/839 3/842
C. Sleeve Length1718 1/82021 1/422 1/223 5/824 3/426
D. Blouse Length18 1/819 1/320 7/82223 1/424 1/42526